Дундын өмнөх түвшиний програм

Уг түвшин нь А В гэсэн хоёр дэд түвшинд хуваагдах ба түвшин тус бүр нь долоо хоногт 3 удаа орох ба нэг удаагийн хичээл нь 1 цаг 30 минут үргэлжлэнэ. Нийт хичээлийн тоо нь 24 удаа буюу 8 долоо хоног үргэлжлэнэ.

No Topics Functions Grammar Listening Hours
1. Please call me Beth. Introduction and greetings; names; countries and nationalities Introducing yourself, some one; checking information; exchanging personal information; saying hello and goodbye Wh-questions and statements with be; questions: what, where, who, and how; yes/no questions and short answers with be; subject pronouns; possessive adjectives Linked sounds Listening for names and countries   2 lessons / 3 hours
2. How do you spend your day? Jobs, workplaces, and school; daily schedules, clock time Describing work and school; asking for and giving opinions; describing daily schedules Simple present Wh-questions and statements; question: when, time expressions: at, in, on, around, early, late until, before, and after Syllable stress Listening to descriptions of jobs and daily schedules   3 lessons / 4 hours 30 minutes
3. How much is it? Shopping and prices; clothing and personal items; colors and materials Talking about prices; giving opinions; discussing preferences; making comparisons; buying and selling things Demonstratives: this, that, these, those; one and ones; questions how much and which; comparisons


with adj-s
Sentence stress Listening to people shopping; listening for items, prices, and opinions   3 lessons / 4 hours 30 minutes
4. Do you like rap? Music, movies, and TV programs; entertainers; invitations and excuses; dated and times Talking about likes and dislikes; giving opinions; making invitations and excuses Yes/no and Wh-questions with do; question: what kind; object pronouns; modal verb would;


verb + to + verb
Intonation in questions Identifying musical styles; listening for likes and dislikes   3 lessons / 4 hours 30 minutes
5. Tell me about your family. Families; typical families Talking about families and family members; exchanging information about the present; describing family life Present continuous yes/no and Wh-questions, statements and short answers; quantifiers: all, nearly all, most, many, a lot of, some, not many, a few, and few; pronoun: no one Intonation in statements Listening of family relationships    3 lessons / 4 hours 30 minutes
6. How often do you exercise? Sports, fitness activities, and exercise; routines Asking about and describing routines and exercise; talking about frequency; discussing sports and athletes; talking about abilities Adverbs of frequency: always, almost always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, almost never, and never; questions: how often, how long, how well, and how good: short answers Intonation with direct address;  Listening to people talking about free-time activities; listening to descriptions of sports participation   3 lessons / 4 hours 30 minutes
7. We had a great time! Free-time and weekend activities, chores; vacations Talking about past events; giving opinions about past experiences; talking about vacations Simple past yes/no and Wh-questions, statements, and short answers with regular and irregular verbs; past of be Reduction of did you;  Listening to descriptions and opinions of past events and vacations   3 lessons / 4 hours 30 minutes
8. What’s your neighborhood like?;  Stores and places in a city; neighborhoods; houses and apartments Asking about and describing locations of places; asking about and describing neighborhoods; asking about quantities There is/there are; one, any, and some; prepositions of place; quantifiers; questions; how many and how much; count and no count nouns Reduction of there is/there are;  Listening for locations and descriptions of places    3 lessons / 4 hours 30 minutes
9. What does she look like? Appearance and dress; clothing and clothing styles; people Asking about and describing people’s appearance; identifying people Questions for describing people: What…look like, how old, how tall, how long, and what color; modifiers with participles and prepositions Contrastive stress Listening to descriptions of people; identifying people     3 lessons / 4 hours 30 minutes
10. Have you ever ridden a camel? Past experiences; unusual activities Describing past experiences; exchanging information about past experiences and events Present perfect yes/no and Wh-questions, statements, and short answers with regular and irregular past participles; already and yet; present perfect vs. simple past; for and since Linked sounds Listening to descriptions of events   4 lessons / 6 hours
11. It’s a very exciting place! Cities; hometowns; countries Asking about and describing cities; asking for and giving suggestions; talking about travel and tourism Adverbs before adj-s conjunctions: and, but, though, and however; modal verbs can and should Can’t and shouldn’t;  Listening to descriptions of cities and hometowns; listening for incorrect information   3 lessons / 4 hours 30 minutes
12. It really works!; Health problems; medication and remedies; products in a pharmacy Talking about health problems; asking for and giving advice; making requests; asking for and giving suggestions Infinitive complements; modal verb should for suggestions; modal verbs can, could, and may for requests Reduction of to Listening to health problems and advices  3 lessons / 4 hours 30 minutes
13. May I take your order?;  Food and restaurants Expressing likes and dislikes; agreeing and disagreeing; ordering a meal So, too, neither, and either; modal verbs would and will for requests Stress in responses Listening to restaurant orders  3 lessons / 4 hours 30 minutes
14. The biggest and the best! World geography and facts; countries Describing countries; making comparisons; expressing opinions; talking about distances and measurements Comparative and superlative forms of adj-s; questions: how far, how big, how high, how deep, how long, how hot, and how cold Questions of choice Listening to a TV game show   3 lessons / 4 hours 30 minutes
15. I’m going to a soccer match. Invitations and excuses; leisure-time activities; telephone messages Talking about plans; making invitations; accepting and refusing invitations; giving reasons; taking and leaving messages Future with present continuous and be going to; messages with tell and ask Reduction of could you and would you Listening to telephone messages   3 lessons / 4 hours 30 minutes
16. A change for the better;  Life changes; plans and hopes for the future Exchanging personal information; describing changes; talking about plans for the future Describing changes with the present tense, the past tense, the present perfect, and the comparative; verb + infinitive Vowel sounds /əʊ/ and /ʌ/;  Listening to descriptions of changes   3 lessons / 4 hours 30 minutes



Таалагдсан номоо унших боломжтой боллоо Онлайн номнууд

Англи хэлээр ус цас шиг ярьдаг хүмүүсийн хэл сурсан туршлагыг судалж байхад ихэнх нь л ном уншиж хэлээ сайжруулсан хэмээн ярьдаг. Иймээс манай сургалтын төв нь Англи хэлийг суралцаж буй суралцагчиддаа зориулан түвшинд нь тохирсон уран зохиолын номын эрэл хайгуулыг байнга хийж байдаг ба энэ удаа бид цахим хуудсандаа дэлхийн сонгодог, алдартай зохиолуудын хялбаршуулсан хувилбарыг онлайн номын сандаа нэмлээ.