Ахисан дунд түвшиний програм

Уг түвшин нь А В гэсэн хоёр дэд түвшинд хуваагдах ба түвшин тус бүр нь долоо хоногт 3 удаа орох ба нэг удаагийн хичээл нь 1 цаг 30 минут үргэлжлэнэ. Нийт хичээлийн тоо нь 24 удаа буюу 8 долоо хоног үргэлжлэнэ.

No Titles / Topics Functions Grammar Listening Hours
1. That’s what friends are for!;  Personality types and qualities; relationships; turn ons and turn offs Describing personalities; expressing likes and dislikes; agreeing and disagreeing; complaining Relative pronouns as subject and object; clauses with it + adverbial clauses with when Linked sounds;  Listening for opinions; listening for descriptions of people 3 lessons/4 hours 30 minutes
2. Career moves Jobs; unusual careers; job skills; summer jobs Talking about unusual careers; describing jobs; discussing the pros and cons of jobs Gerund phrases as subjects and objects; comparisons with adjectives, verbs, nouns, and past participles Stress with compound nouns Listening to descriptions of summer jobs; listening for likes and dislikes 3 lessons/4 hours 30 minutes
3. Could you do me a favor? Favors; formal and informal requests; messages Making unusual requests; making indirect requests; accepting and declining requests Request with modals, if clauses, and gerunds; indirect requests Unreleased consonants;  Listening to people making, accepting, and declining requests 3 lessons/4 hours 30 minutes
4. What a story! The media; news stories; exceptional events Narrating a story; describing events in the past Past continuous vs. simple past; past perfect Intonation in complex sentences;  Listening to news broadcasts; listening to a narrative about a past event 3 lessons/4 hours 30 minutes
5. Crossing cultures Cultural comparisons and culture shock; moving abroad; emotions; customs; tourism and travel abroad Talking about moving abroad; expressing emotions; describing cultural expectations; giving advice Noun phrases containing relative clauses; expectations: the custom to, (not) supposed to, expected to, (not) acceptable to Word stress in sentences;  Listening for information about living abroad; listening to opinions about customs 3 lessons/4 hours 30 minutes
6. What’s wrong with it? Consumer complaints; everyday problems; electronics; repairs Describing problems; making complaints; explaining something that needs to be done Describing problems with past participles as adj-s and with nouns; describing problems with keep + gerund, need + gerund, and need + passive infinitive Contrastive stress;  Listening to people exchange things in store; listening to complaints; listening to repair people describe their jobs 3 lessons/4 hours 30 minutes
7. The world we live in The environment; world problems; current issues Identifying and describing problems; coming up with solutions Passive in the present continuous and present perfect; prepositions of cause; infinitive clauses and phrases Reduction of auxiliary verbs;  Listening to environmental problems; listening for solutions 3 lessons/4 hours 30 minutes
8. Lifelong learning Education; learner choices; strategies for learning; personal qualities Asking about preferences; discussing pros and cons of different college majors talking about learning methods; talking about personal qualities Would rather and would prefer; by + gerund to describe how to do things Intonation in questions of choice;  Listening in questions of choice;  Listening to descriptions of courses; listening for additional information 3 lessons/4 hours 30 minutes
9. At your service Everyday services; recommendations; self-improvement Talking about thing you need to have done; asking for and giving advice or suggestions Have or get something done (active and passive); making suggestions with gerunds, infinitives, modals + verbs, and negative questions Sentence stress;  Listening to suggestions for self-improvement 3 lessons/4 hours 30 minutes
10. The past and the future Historic events and people; biography; the future Talking about the future; talking about things to be accomplished in the future Referring to time in the past with adverbs and prepositions: during, in ago, from ….to, for, since; predicting the future with will, future continuous, and future perfect Syllable stress;  Listening for opinions about public figures; listening to predictions 6h
11. Life’s little lessons Milestones and turning points; behavior and personality; regrets Describing rites of passage; describing turning points; describing regrets and hypothetical situations Time clauses: before, after, once, the moment, as soon as, until, by the time; describing regrets and hypothetical situations with should not have + past participle and if clauses + past perfect Reduction of have and been;  Listening to descriptions of important events; listening to regrets and explanations 3 lessons/4 hours 30 minutes
12. The right stuff Qualities for success; successful businesses; advertising Describing qualities for success; describing features; giving reasons for success; interviewing for a job; talking about ads and slogans Describing purpose with infinitive clauses and infinitive clauses with for; giving reasons with because, since, because of, for, due to, and the reason Reduced words Listening for features and slogans 3 lessons/4 hours 30 minutes
13. That’s a possibility Pet peeves; unexplained events; reactions; predicaments and advice Making conclusions; offering explanations; describing hypothetical events; giving advice for predicaments Past modal for degrees of certainty: must (not) have, may (not) have, might (not) have, could (not) have; past modals for opinions and advice; should (not) have, could (not) have, would (not) have Reduction in past modals Listening to explanations; listening for the best solution 3 lessons/4 hours 30 minutes
14. Behind the scenes How a movie is made; media professions; processes; the entertainment industry Describing how something is done or made; describing careers in the media The passive to describe process with is/are + past participle and modal + be + past participle; defining and nondefining relative clauses Stress in compound nouns;  Listening to a producer describe his work; listening for personality traits 3 lessons/4 hours 30 minutes
15. There should be a law! Recommendations; opinions; social issues; controversial issues Giving opinions for and against controversial issues; offering a different opinion; agreeing and disagreeing Giving recommendations and opinions with passive modals; should be, ought to be, must be, has to be, has got to be; tag questions for opinions Intonation in tag questions Listening for solutions to everyday annoyances; listening to issues and opinions 3 lessons/4 hours 30 minutes
16. Challenges and accomplishments Challenges; accomplishments; goals; volunteering Describing challenges, frustrations, and rewards; discussing traits needed for meeting challenges; talking about the past and the future Complex noun phrases containing gerunds; accomplishments with the present perfect and simple past; goals with the future perfect and would like to have + past participle Stress and rhythm Listening to challenges and rewards of people’s work; listening for people’s goals for the future 3 lessons/4 hours 30 minutes



Таалагдсан номоо унших боломжтой боллоо Онлайн номнууд

Англи хэлээр ус цас шиг ярьдаг хүмүүсийн хэл сурсан туршлагыг судалж байхад ихэнх нь л ном уншиж хэлээ сайжруулсан хэмээн ярьдаг. Иймээс манай сургалтын төв нь Англи хэлийг суралцаж буй суралцагчиддаа зориулан түвшинд нь тохирсон уран зохиолын номын эрэл хайгуулыг байнга хийж байдаг ба энэ удаа бид цахим хуудсандаа дэлхийн сонгодог, алдартай зохиолуудын хялбаршуулсан хувилбарыг онлайн номын сандаа нэмлээ.