Best Friends 3

Unit Lesson Structure Topics Vocabulary Spelling
Unit 1 1. They’re best friends.
2. Nice to meet you!
3. It’s a good school.
4. Who is she?
Gerunds with activities
Prepositions of place
Ability with can
Present simple: Affirmative and questions
Friendship Likes/Dislikes; Introductions numbers to 100; Months Seasons; Everyday Routines; Days of the Week; Clothing Food School; Descriptions professions Friends, play, dolls, animals, favorite, sports, watch, movies, games, tennis, basketball, books, ride, bike, weather, read, ball, soccer, park, playground, slide, swings, bench, seesaw, water fountain, monkey bars, meat, pizza, fruit, lunch bread, vegetables, cake, French fries, student, breakfast teacher, police officer, veterinarian  
Unit 2 1. Can I go?
2. Can I have some popcorn?
3. I don’t have any toast
4. Review
Can for permission
a vs . some
some vs. any
Rules for Good Citizenship; Classroom and home; Food and Drinks; Breakfast Food; Reading: Breakfast is important Rules, feed, litter, trash, grass, barbecue, thirsty, hungry, popcorn, toast, eggs, butter, jelly, bacon, cereal, yogurt, pancakes, syrup, breakfast Water, orange, juice, tea, coffee, milk, soda, ketchup, mustard, soup, honey
Unit 3 1. You’re going to get a haircut.
2. Where are you going to go?
3. Put the gas station on the corner.
4. Review
Future with going to: Affirmative
Future with going to: Questions and negative
Prepositions of place
Places in the City
City and Country
Reading: Our houseboat
Haircut, hairdresser, corner, farm, country, city, apartment, street, job, medicine, broken, corner, houseboat, homework, medals Hospital, gas station, office building, bank, mall, airport, pharmacy, pet store, post office, mechanic
Unit 4 1. I was a soldier.
2. Our children were little.
3. Was he a good inventor?
4. Review
To be: Past for I, he, she, it
To be: Past for you, we, they
To be: Past for questions and negative
Family; Occupations; Adjectives for people;
Reading: The Mona Lisa
Inventor, artist, architect, museum, painting, woman, vegetarian, Italy, Italian, opinion, little, cute, young, big, old, serious, busy, famous, behind Clean, dirty, happy, sad, sunny, rainy, neat, messy, noisy, quiet
Unit 5


Unit 6 1. There were only two sheep last week.
2. How many dogs were there?
3. They were born on Tuesday
4. Review
There was/ there were
Questions with Was there …?
And Were there …?
Question word + was/were
Baby animals; Ordinal numbers; Dog Show Animal Parts; Birthdays; Reading My Special Dog Puppy, kitten, calf, lamb, chick, tail, paw, fur, lost, born, twin, same, minutes, special, blind, congratulations First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth
Unit 7 1. I played soccer after school yesterday.
2. He did 100 sit-ups at 6:10.
3. Did you like it?
4. Review
Simple past: Affirmative, regular verbs; Simple past: Affirmative, irregular verbs; Simple past: Yes/no questions Everyday Activities; Exercise; Reading: Soapbox Derby; Cars Got-up, went back, sit-ups, push-ups, player, ask, exercise, recess, hope, dessert, sugar, boring, noise, laugh, hear, decide, say, soap, box, motor, race, hill, world, winner Drank, went, ate, did, had, slept, read, wrote, made, took
Unit 8 1. When did you make it?
2. Who taught art last year?
3. We found an old box.
4. Review
Simple past: information questions; Simple past: questions with Who More past verbs: Regular and irregular Inventions; School Subject; Bike Parts; Reading: We Don’t Buy Toys Maybe, later, broken, handle bar, seat, wheel, math, class athlete, teach, taught, take, took, subject, find, found, get, got, draw, drew, ride, rode, hurried, carry, carried, old Art, English, Spanish, computer class, library,music,physical education,science, geography
Unit 9 1. He was drawing silly pictures.
2. Were you making the bed too.
3. I was playing with my soccer ball when the vase broke.
4. Review
Past continuous: Affirmative, all forms; Past continuous: Negative and questions, all forms Silliness; Solving a Mystery; Furniture; Kinds of TV shows; Reading: Radio days Dad, silly, bed, detective, sink, refrigerator, stove, bathtub, closet, sofa, television, telephone, radio, imagine, band, western, code, vase Exciting, cartoon, documentary, soap opera, sports, movies, game show, scary, funny, silly, boring




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Англи хэлээр ус цас шиг ярьдаг хүмүүсийн хэл сурсан туршлагыг судалж байхад ихэнх нь л ном уншиж хэлээ сайжруулсан хэмээн ярьдаг. Иймээс манай сургалтын төв нь Англи хэлийг суралцаж буй суралцагчиддаа зориулан түвшинд нь тохирсон уран зохиолын номын эрэл хайгуулыг байнга хийж байдаг ба энэ удаа бид цахим хуудсандаа дэлхийн сонгодог, алдартай зохиолуудын хялбаршуулсан хувилбарыг онлайн номын сандаа нэмлээ.