Дунд түвшиний сургалтын програм

Уг түвшин нь А В гэсэн хоёр дэд түвшинд хуваагдах ба түвшин тус бүр нь долоо хоногт 3 удаа орох ба нэг удаагийн хичээл нь 1 цаг 30 минут үргэлжлэнэ. Нийт хичээлийн тоо нь 24 удаа буюу 8 долоо хоног үргэлжлэнэ.

No Titles / Topics Functions Grammar Listening Hours
1. A time to remember People; childhood; memories Introducing yourself; talking about yourself; exchanging personal information; remembering your childhood Past tense; used to for habitual actions Reduced form of used to Listening to people talk about their past 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes
2. Caught in the rush Transportation; transportation problems; city services Talking about transportation and transportation problems; evaluating city services; asking for and giving information Adverbs of quantity with count and noncount nouns: too many, too much, fewer, less, more, not enough; indirect questions from Wh-questions Syllable stress Listening to a description of a transportation system 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes
3. Time for change! Houses and apartments; lifestyle changes, wishes Describing positive and negative features; making comparisons; talking about lifestyle changes; expressing wishes Evaluations and comparisons with adj-s: not….enough, too, (not) as…as; evaluations and comparisons with nouns: not enough…., too much/many…,(not) as much/many …as; wish Unpronounced vowels Listening to people talk about capsule hotels 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes
4. I’ve never heard of that! Food; recipes; instructions; cooking methods Talking about food; expressing likes and dislikes; describing a favorite snack; giving instructions Simple past vs. present perfect; sequence adverbs: first, then, next, after that, finally Consonant clusters Listening to descriptions of foods 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes
5. Going places Travel; vacations; plans Describing vacation plans; giving travel advice; planning a vacation Future with be going to and will; modals for necessity and suggestion: must, need to, (don’t) have to, better, ought to, should (not) Linked sounds with /w/ and /j/ Listening to travel advice 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes
6. OK. No problem Complaints; household chores; requests; excuses; apologies Making requests; accepting and refusing requests; complaining; apologizing; giving excuses` Two-part verbs; will for responding to requests; requests with modals and Would you mind…….? Stress in two-part verbs Listening to results of a survey 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes
7. What’s this for? Technology; instructions Describing technology; giving instructions; giving suggestions Infinitives and gerunds for uses and purposes; imperatives and infinitives for giving suggestions Syllable stress Listening to a radio program; listening to people give advice 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes
8. Let’s celebrate! Holidays; festivals; customs; celebrations Describing holidays, festivals, customs, and special events Relative clauses of time; adverbial clauses of time: when, after, before Stress and rhythm Listening a description of Carnaval 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes
9. Back to the future Life in the past, present, and future; changes and contrasts; consequences Talking about change; comparing time periods; describing possibilities Time contrasts; conditional sentences with if clauses Intonation in statements with time phrases Listening to people talk about changes 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes
10. I don’t like working on weekends Abilities and skills; job preferences; personality traits; careers Describing abilities and skills; talking about job preferences; describing personality traits Gerunds; short responses; clauses with because Unreleased and released /t/  and /d/ Listening to people talk about their job preferences 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes
11. It’s really worth seeing! Landmark and monuments; world knowledge Talking about landmarks and monuments; describing countries; discussing facts Passive with by (simple past); passive without by (simple present) The letter o;  Listening to descriptions of monuments; listening for information about a country 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes
12. It could happen to you! Information about someone’s past; recent past events Asking about someone’s past; describing recent experiences Past continuous vs. simple past; present perfect continuous Contrastive stress in responses;  Listening to people talk about recent experiences 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes
13. Good book, terrible movie!  Entertainment; movies and books; reactions and opinions Describing movies and books; talking about actors and actresses; asking for and giving reactions and opinions Participles as adjectives; relative clauses Emphatic stress Listening for opinions; listening to a movie review 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes
14. So that’s what it means!  Nonverbal communication; gestures and meanings; signs; drawing conclusions Interpreting body language; explaining gestures and meanings; describing emotions; asking about signs and meanings Modals and adverbs: might, may, could, must, maybe, perhaps, possibly, probably, definitely; permission, obligation, and prohibition Pitch Listening to people talk about the meanings of signs 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes
15. What would you do? Money; hopes; predicaments; speculations Speculating about past and future events; describing a predicament; giving advice and suggestions Unreal conditional sentences with if clauses; past modals Reduction of have;  Listening to people talk about predicaments; listening to a radio talk show 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes
16. What’s your excuse? Requests; excuses; invitations Reporting what people say; making requests; making invitations and excuses Reported speech: requests; reported speech: statements Reduction of had would;  Listening for excuses; listening to voice mail messages 3 lessons/ 4 hours 30 minutes



Таалагдсан номоо унших боломжтой боллоо Онлайн номнууд

Англи хэлээр ус цас шиг ярьдаг хүмүүсийн хэл сурсан туршлагыг судалж байхад ихэнх нь л ном уншиж хэлээ сайжруулсан хэмээн ярьдаг. Иймээс манай сургалтын төв нь Англи хэлийг суралцаж буй суралцагчиддаа зориулан түвшинд нь тохирсон уран зохиолын номын эрэл хайгуулыг байнга хийж байдаг ба энэ удаа бид цахим хуудсандаа дэлхийн сонгодог, алдартай зохиолуудын хялбаршуулсан хувилбарыг онлайн номын сандаа нэмлээ.